Introduction to Marketing57Market Research52Customer Behavior54Product Development and Management54Pricing Strategies55Distribution Strategies52Promotion Strategies56Social Media Marketing59Search Engine Optimization (SEO)58Email Marketing51E-commerce59Marketing Metrics58Marketing Analytics52Return on Investment (ROI)55
Customer Service
Definition and Importance of Customer Service50Customer Service Principles and Values58Communication Skills for Customer Service56Identifying Customer Needs57Customer Segmentation and Targeting55Managing Customer Expectations54Responding to Customer Inquiries and Complaints50Building Customer Relationships51Using Technology in Customer Service59Measuring Customer Satisfaction53Continuous Improvement in Customer Service51The Role of Technology in Customer Service Evaluation55
Information Technology
1.1 Introduction to Computer Systems511.2 Computer Hardware501.3 Computer Software541.4 Computer Networks541.5 Network Security552.1 Introduction to Data Management522.2 Data Modeling522.3 Database Management Systems572.4 Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence502.5 Data Security and Privacy503.1 Introduction to Web Development493.2 HTML and CSS533.3 JavaScript503.4 Server-Side Programming543.5 Web Security544.1 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design524.2 Requirements Gathering and Analysis504.3 System Design514.4 System Implementation and Testing584.5 System Maintenance and Evaluation535.1 Introduction to Project Management515.2 Project Planning585.3 Project Execution and Control545.4 Project Closure535.5 Agile Project Management50
English for Business
The Importance of Effective Communication55Types of Business Communication57Effective Business Writing50Effective Business Presentations50Intercultural Communication in Business50Types of Business Documents52Creating Effective Business Documents53Writing Business Reports55Presenting Business Reports58Email and Instant Messaging50Social Media for Business50Video Conferencing and Collaboration Tools55Emerging Communication Technologies54