Counting in 10s, 100s and 1000s74Number and Place Value46Comparing and Ordering Numbers51Addition and Subtraction68Multiplication and Division60Rounding Numbers56Fractions109Adding and Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers33Adding and Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers56Measurement96Solving Word Problems45Geometry - Properties of Shapes101Geometry - Position and Direction83Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 10051Statistics101Multiplying and Dividing by 2, 3, 4, and 549Measuring Length45Measuring Weight52Measuring Capacity552D Shapes593D Shapes54Properties of Shapes59Collecting and Representing Data90Interpreting Data56Probability52
Using technology safely and responsibly42Algorithms106Data and Information105Searching for and retrieving information44Digital Literacy101Creating and sharing digital content42Understanding algorithms and programming45Networks and the Internet99Programming103Designing and developing digital systems49Systems106E-Safety104Using ICT to communicate and collaborate44Using ICT to create and present information49Computational Thinking100Using ICT to solve problems48
Who were the Anglo-Saxons?52Stone Age96The Anglo-Saxon way of life50Bronze Age90Iron Age102The Vikings50The Viking impact on Britain77Roman Empire102Anglo-Saxons109The Norman Conquest55Vikings101The Norman impact on England52The Middle Ages50Middle Ages107Tudors105The Black Death50The Tudor dynasty50Stuarts101Industrial Revolution106The Reformation55Victorian Era106The Elizabethan era59The Spanish Armada5220th Century105The Stuart dynasty46The English Civil War50The Restoration54The Glorious Revolution52The Hanoverian dynasty50The Industrial Revolution58The American Revolution52The French Revolution50The Victorian era59The British Empire52The First World War51The Interwar years49The Second World War58The Cold War53The Swinging Sixties54The Troubles51The New Millennium52
Mountains48Earth s Structure and Landforms104Rivers52Water Bodies and Climate105Population and Settlements109Coasts51Economic Activities108Weather and Climate53Settlements53Map Skills: Reading and Interpretation100Fieldwork: Data Collection and Analysis108Land Use51The United Kingdom: Physical and Human Geography100Transport53Europe: Physical and Human Geography29Industry53The World: Major Geographical Features22
Art and Design
Observational Drawing56Drawing and Painting100Sculpture and 3D Design106Colour Theory and Mixing83Painting Techniques49Textiles and Fashion105Digital Art and Design105Modelling and Construction65Art History and Appreciation106Exploring Form and Structure59Creating Functional Objects53Printing Techniques50Textile Design59Embroidery and Stitch55Using Digital Tools55Digital Imaging53Creating Digital Art54
Pitch66Musical Elements102Musical Notation106Duration53Musical Instruments105Dynamics79Timbre52Musical Styles103Musical Performance106Reading Notes50Musical Composition88Writing Notes55Musical History103Musical Symbols58Musical Appreciation105Classical Music56Pop Music48Folk Music57World Music57Singing50Playing Instruments47Ensemble Playing67Listening to Music61Music and Culture55Music and Technology50
Physical Education
Invasion Games103Fundamental Movement Skills55Net and Wall Games101Striking and Fielding Games103Gymnastics104Games57Dance102Health and Fitness51Athletics104Running58Jumping7Outdoor and Adventurous Activities102Health-Related Exercise108Throwing14Water Safety58Swimming Strokes57Water Games50Orienteering52Team Building50Environmental Awareness92
Modern Foreign Languages
Lesson 1: Saying Hello and Goodbye59Greetings and Introductions101Lesson 2: Introducing Yourself49Numbers and Time101Describing People and Things102Lesson 3: Asking and Answering Questions62Lesson 1: Counting to 10049Daily Routine and Activities102Lesson 2: Telling the Time54Food and Drink101Shopping and Money101Lesson 3: Talking About Dates54Lesson 1: Ordering Food and Drink52Travel and Transportation104Lesson 2: Describing Food and Drink51Health and Well-being105Lesson 3: Talking About Meals53Weather and Seasons102Animals and Nature103Lesson 1: Getting Around Town54Lesson 2: Planning a Trip54Lesson 3: Talking About Travel Experiences85Lesson 1: Asking for Help in a Shop55Lesson 2: Buying Clothes and Accessories54Lesson 3: Paying for Goods and Services73