The Two Main Political Parties56The Liberal Democrats56The Scottish National Party51The Welsh Labour Party57The Democratic Unionist Party57Sinn Féin50The Prime Minister53The Cabinet53The House of Commons54The House of Lords59The Civil Service50The UK s Membership of the European Union53The UK s Relationship with the United States50The UK s Role in the United Nations52The UK s Overseas Territories51
Science and Technology
Machine Learning and Deep Learning57Natural Language Processing50Computer Vision55Genetic Engineering and Gene Editing50Personalized Medicine50Medical Imaging and Diagnostics52Climate Science and Impacts57Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency51Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity50The Solar System and Beyond56Space Technology and Missions54Astronomy and Astrophysics55
Causes of Climate Change58Impacts of Climate Change53Mitigation and Adaptation51Renewable Energy Sources50Non-Renewable Energy Sources51Energy Efficiency55Importance of Biodiversity53Threats to Biodiversity43Conservation Efforts56Air Pollution54Water Pollution54Waste Management55Sustainable Development54Sustainable Practices54Challenges to Sustainability54
Law and Crime
Police Powers and Responsibilities51Courts and Tribunals57Sentencing and Punishment53Legal Aid and Access to Justice56Types of Crime55Causes of Crime50Crime Prevention and Control51Victims of Crime55Cybercrime and Digital Forensics56Terrorism and National Security53Environmental Law and Climate Change56Human Rights and Equality51
Arts and Culture
Shakespeare s Sonnets56Jane Austen s Novels54Contemporary British Poetry51The Pre-Raphaelites49British Landscape Painting48Contemporary British Sculpture59The Beatles and the British Invasion52British Rock and Pop Music52Classical British Composers57British Cinema in the 20th Century51British Television Dramas56British Comedy51