Business Management
1.1 Introduction to Business Environment231.2 Types of Business Organizations261.3 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility242.1 Strategic Management Process242.2 SWOT Analysis and Porter s Five Forces252.3 Competitive Advantage and Differentiation253.1 Marketing Concepts and Segmentation303.2 Product and Service Development233.3 Pricing Strategies254.1 Production and Operations Systems274.2 Quality Management274.3 Supply Chain Management285.1 Recruitment and Selection285.2 Training and Development245.3 Performance Management306.1 Financial Statements and Analysis286.2 Budgeting and Forecasting266.3 Investment and Financing Decisions28
Introduction to Marketing28Market Research22Marketing Strategy22Marketing Communications28Customer Relationship Management23Digital Marketing Overview31Search Engine Optimization (SEO)30Social Media Marketing22Email Marketing25Mobile Marketing23Marketing Planning27Product Management25Pricing Strategies26Distribution Channels23Sales Management28Global Marketing Environment24International Market Entry Strategies29Global Marketing Communications24Global Customer Relationship Management26Global Marketing Ethics26
Introduction to Financial Management30Financial Planning and Budgeting22Capital Budgeting24Working Capital Management25Financial Risk Management23Introduction to Financial Accounting29The Accounting Cycle25Financial Statements30Cost Accounting27Auditing and Assurance22Introduction to Financial Markets26Debt Markets27Equity Markets22Derivatives Markets25Financial Regulation23Introduction to Investment Analysis27Security Analysis26Portfolio Management25Investment Performance Evaluation23Ethical and Sustainable Investing29
Human Resources
Definition and Scope of Human Resources24The Legal Framework of Human Resources24The Role of Human Resources in Business Strategy26Job Analysis and Design31Recruitment Methods and Techniques22Interviewing and Assessment Techniques28Training Needs Analysis and Design30Methods of Training and Development29Performance Management and Appraisal28Employee Engagement and Motivation29Managing Conflict and Grievances26Employee Communication and Involvement24Job Evaluation and Salary Structures23Employee Benefits and Perks22Compensation and Benefits Administration22Introduction to HRIS24HRIS Implementation and Management26HR Analytics and Reporting23
Operations Management
Definition and Scope of Operations Management28Historical Development of Operations Management27Operations Management in the Global Context26Developing an Operations Strategy25Capacity Planning and Management25Location Planning and Analysis29Process Design and Analysis23Quality Management24Inventory Management24Supply Chain Design and Planning21Logistics and Transportation24Global Supply Chain Management24Environmental Sustainability27Social Sustainability22Sustainability Reporting and Measurement22Digital Transformation and Industry 4.024Agile and Lean Operations31Servitization and the Experience Economy22
Information Technology
1.1: Introduction to Information Technology Systems261.2: Operating Systems271.3: Networking and Communications221.4: Data Management282.1: Introduction to Business Information Systems252.2: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems242.3: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems292.4: Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems303.1: Introduction to Web Technologies223.2: HTML and CSS303.3: JavaScript243.4: Web Development Frameworks234.1: Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization274.2: Data Analysis Tools214.3: Data Visualization Techniques224.4: Data Interpretation and Communication235.1: Introduction to Information Security245.2: Network Security295.3: Data Security245.4: Security Policies and Procedures27
Business Law
1.1 Nature and Sources of Business Law301.2 The Legal Environment of Business302.1 Formation of Contracts222.2 Performance and Breach of Contracts283.1 Negligence273.2 Other Torts254.1 Individual Employment Rights214.2 Collective Employment Rights245.1 Formation and Structure of Companies265.2 Corporate Finance and Governance246.1 Copyright, Patents and Trademarks286.2 Other Intellectual Property Rights22
1.1 What is Economics?291.2 Economic Systems221.3 Economic Measurement222.1 Demand and Supply222.2 Market Structures222.3 Consumer and Producer Theory253.1 National Income and Economic Growth253.2 Inflation and Unemployment263.3 Fiscal and Monetary Policy274.1 International Trade224.2 Exchange Rates234.3 Global Economic Issues24
English for Business
Effective Communication Skills28Types of Business Communication25Intercultural Communication22Principles of Business Writing30Writing Business Emails and Letters23Writing Business Reports23Planning and Preparing Presentations31Delivering Presentations27Evaluating Presentations24Communication Tools and Platforms27Social Media for Business27Emerging Communication Technologies24