Biblical Studies
What is Biblical Studies?26The Bible as a Historical Document25The Bible as a Literary Text23The Pentateuch29The Historical Books29The Prophetic Books22The Poetic Books27The Gospels23The Acts of the Apostles28The Epistles30The Book of Revelation22The Theology of the Old Testament24The Theology of the New Testament23Theological Interpretation of the Bible22
What is Theology?23The History of Theology23Theology and Culture25The Old Testament27The New Testament31Biblical Interpretation28The Doctrine of God27The Doctrine of Christ25The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit24Preaching30Pastoral Care23Christian Education28The History of Mission31Theology of Mission29Mission in Practice25
Pastoral Care
Definition and Scope of Pastoral Care24Theological Foundations of Pastoral Care22Models of Pastoral Care23Assessment and Diagnosis25Intervention and Treatment23Evaluation and Follow-Up25Hospital Chaplaincy31Prison Chaplaincy25Bereavement Counseling23Confidentiality and Privacy25Boundaries and Dual Relationships22Legal Liability29
Definition and Purpose of Liturgy28Liturgical Sources and Principles24Liturgical Symbolism and Ritual23The Liturgical Year25Advent and Christmas24Lent and Easter23The Role of Music in Liturgy30Liturgical Architecture and Art30Liturgical Vestments and Objects28The Liturgical Ministry of the Laity25Liturgy and the Sacraments28Liturgy and Ecumenism28
Mission and Evangelism
The Old Testament Basis of Mission30The New Testament Basis of Mission28Theological Perspectives on Mission29The History of Mission and Evangelism26Cultural Perspectives on Mission30Mission and Evangelism in the Contemporary World31Developing a Mission Strategy26Evangelism Methods and Techniques25Discipleship and Spiritual Formation25Mission and Evangelism in the Local Church28Mission and Evangelism in the Workplace29Mission and Evangelism in Intercultural Settings29