Counting to 1051Number and Place Value100Addition and Subtraction85Number Bonds to 1042Shape and Space105Comparing Numbers to 1055Measurement85Adding and Subtracting within 1053Data Handling108Number Stories52Length50Patterns80Weight76Fractions96Capacity68Time1042D Shapes53Money993D Shapes51Position and Direction52
Identifying and classifying animals56Everyday Materials105Plants102Understanding the needs of animals59Investigating different habitats64Animals Including Humans104Seasonal Changes103Identifying and classifying plants53Understanding the life cycle of plants56Physical Processes100Investigating the needs of plants53Living Things and Their Habitats108Forces101Identifying and classifying materials61Sound108Understanding the properties of materials52Investigating the uses of materials68Electricity104Exploring changes of state58Investigating forces and motion54Understanding light and sound58
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Myself90My Body172My Feelings56Relationships106My Family and Friends55Changes103Stranger Danger49Rights and Responsibilities103Keeping Myself Safe108Healthy Me109Road Safety66Healthy Eating55The World Around Me107Growing and Changing105Exercise and Physical Activity53Hygiene and Personal Care54Money Matters100Understanding Choices54Making Choices100Online Safety99Peer Pressure51Problem Solving67
Physical Education (PE)
Locomotor Skills57Fundamental Movement Skills103Object Control Skills52Games105Balance and Coordination Skills55Dance109Gymnastics100Active Play55Outdoor and Adventurous Activities103Structured Physical Activities61Health and Fitness107Healthy Eating58Water Safety101Personal Hygiene58Emotional Well-being58
Art and Design
Primary and Secondary Colours55Drawing and Mark-Making106Colour Wheel53Painting and Colour Mixing103Colour in Nature59Collage and Mixed Media1022D and 3D Shapes523D Design and Sculpture108Exploring Materials and Textures105Shape and Pattern57Pattern and Repetition107Shape in Nature55Different Textures55Shape and Form99Texture in Nature52Imagination and Creativity106Creating Texture56Different Lines53Line and Pattern50Line in Nature58
Design and Technology
Identifying and naming different materials39Exploring Materials54Exploring the properties of materials52Joining and Assembly79Using tools and equipment safely40Structures and Mechanisms109Cooking and Nutrition106Designing simple products43Textiles100Making products using a range of materials46Design and Make104Evaluating products43Following simple recipes80Evaluation109Preparing and cooking simple dishes46Understanding the importance of healthy eating47
Exploring Sounds102Rhythm44Musical Instruments109Pitch49Tempo40Rhythm and Beat96Dynamics42Singing116Timbre45Musical Expression94Music and Stories109Music and Movement106Playing Instruments49Movement and Dance44Music and Technology102Listening and Appreciating Music51Musical Games44Musical Notation50Musical Form47Musical History and Culture45
All About Me102What is the Stone Age?49Toys and Games77When was the Stone Age?22What did people do in the Stone Age?28Our Local Area67What is the Bronze Age?23Significant Individuals91Historical Events99When was the Bronze Age?27What did people do in the Bronze Age?28Changes Over Time101What is the Iron Age?23The Past and Present101When was the Iron Age?30What did people do in the Iron Age?23
Using simple maps and globes71Our School102Our Local Area104Understanding the concept of scale50Using basic geographical vocabulary53The World Around Us102Identifying the four countries of the United Kingdom50Maps and Globes100Identifying the major cities and rivers of the United Kingdom53Weather and Climate104Understanding the concept of a local area50Natural Disasters102Identifying the different types of landforms54Understanding the different types of weather55Understanding the different types of vegetation50Understanding the importance of protecting the environment51Understanding the different types of pollution55Understanding the importance of recycling59
Modern Foreign Language
Greetings and Introductions95Lesson 1: Hello and Goodbye53Food and Drink101Lesson 2: My Name Is...51Animals109Lesson 3: Nice to Meet You50Colors and Shapes101Lesson 1: Counting to 1070Numbers103Lesson 2: Ordinal Numbers66Lesson 3: Simple Addition and Subtraction47Family and Friends100Toys and Games104Lesson 1: Basic Colors59Clothes103Lesson 2: Shapes54Lesson 3: Describing Objects51Weather104Holidays104Lesson 1: Farm Animals59Body Parts103Lesson 2: Wild Animals58School101Lesson 3: Fruits and Vegetables51Time107Places in Town106Transport105