Number and Place Value96Counting to 10049Addition and Subtraction93Recognizing and writing numbers to 10055Measurement108Comparing and ordering numbers to 10051Adding and subtracting one-digit numbers50Geometry102Solving simple addition and subtraction problems43Statistics99Multiplying and dividing by 2, 5, and 1056Solving simple multiplication and division problems50Recognizing and understanding fractions54Comparing and ordering fractions52Measuring length51Measuring weight65Measuring capacity50Recognizing and naming 2D shapes58Recognizing and naming 3D shapes52Collecting and representing data45Interpreting data55
Identifying and classifying animals57Plants108Animals Including Humans103Understanding the needs of animals50Everyday Materials101Investigating different habitats56Identifying and classifying plants61Seasonal Changes105Properties and Changes of Materials83Understanding the life cycle of plants119Investigating the role of plants in the environment61Light103Identifying and classifying materials54Forces and Magnets101Sound71Understanding the properties of materials99Investigating the uses of materials54Electricity100Understanding the concept of force51Investigating the effects of friction56Exploring the properties of magnets52
Primary Colours54Lines and Patterns106Shape and Form102Secondary Colours69Colour Wheel57Colour and Mixing102Texture and Collage96Basic Drawing Techniques51Painting with Brushes56Painting and Drawing100Printing and Mark Making85Mixing and Applying Paint50Creating Collages56Sculpture and 3D Design119Exploring Mixed Media61Famous Artists52Art in Everyday Life53
Fundamental Movement Skills99Moving in different ways80Games and Activities103Controlling and coordinating movements0Using equipment and space52Gymnastics101Dance100Understanding the importance of physical activity80Participating in physical activity56Athletics103Developing healthy habits61Swimming108Playing simple games51Health and Fitness100Understanding the rules of games52Participating in team games57
Using technology to create pictures and sounds50Using Technology for Creation and Exploration104Using technology to communicate54Exploring and Understanding the Internet100Understanding simple algorithms54Understanding Algorithms and Programming104Creating Digital Content for Different Purposes102Creating and debugging simple programs53Collecting and presenting data53Computational Thinking and Problem-Solving103Using technology to find and use information74Data and Information102Networks and Communication106Understanding the risks of using technology68Keeping safe online103
What is the Stone Age?52Stone Age People and Their Tools99Bronze Age Innovations106The Paleolithic Era59The Mesolithic Era72Iron Age Society and Tools101Romans in Britain103The Neolithic Era53Anglo-Saxons and Vikings102What is the Bronze Age?53The Early Bronze Age66Medieval Life101Tudor Kings and Queens100The Middle Bronze Age53The Late Bronze Age54The Stuarts107What is the Iron Age?52The Early Iron Age56The Middle Iron Age103The Late Iron Age55
Recognising and naming familiar locations56Our Local Area107Map Skills109Using simple maps and plans63The World Around Us103Understanding the concept of distance56Identifying and describing human features76Weather and Climate95Identifying and describing physical features50Natural Disasters106Environmental Issues105Understanding the relationship between human and physical features51Human Geography100Using simple fieldwork techniques53Physical Geography95Using geographical vocabulary47Communicating geographical information59
RE (Religious Education)
Who is God?100The Story of Creation51What is the Bible?102The Life of Jesus55The Bible51Why do Christians believe that Jesus is special?85Christian Beliefs and Practices71Why do Christians celebrate Easter?105Islam45What is a Christian?101How do Christians show their faith?107Judaism52Hinduism54What is a place of worship?102Sikhism54What is a religious festival?109What is Philosophy?54Moral Dilemmas55Values and Beliefs68