Biblical Studies
The Creation27The Fall of Man24The Patriarchs23The Exodus20The Law25The Promised Land26The United Kingdom31The Divided Kingdom23The Prophets31The Exile25The Return26The Life of Jesus22The Teachings of Jesus25The Early Church25The Epistles24The Book of Revelation22The Trinity29The Incarnation24The Atonement23The Resurrection26The Sacraments23Prayer29Worship27The Ten Commandments22The Sermon on the Mount28The Fruits of the Spirit28Christian Social Ethics27Judaism27Islam29Hinduism26Buddhism27Sikhism22
World Religions
Origins and History27Key Beliefs and Practices25Buddhist Ethics and Values29Major Buddhist Traditions29Buddhism in the Modern World29Origins and History28Key Beliefs and Practices31Christian Ethics and Values24Major Christian Traditions23Christianity in the Modern World27Origins and History27Key Beliefs and Practices22Hindu Ethics and Values26Major Hindu Traditions26Hinduism in the Modern World31Origins and History23Key Beliefs and Practices29Islamic Ethics and Values25Major Islamic Traditions22Islam in the Modern World27Origins and History30Key Beliefs and Practices29Jewish Ethics and Values30Major Jewish Traditions25Judaism in the Modern World30Origins and History26Key Beliefs and Practices25Sikh Ethics and Values22Sikhism in the Modern World22
Comparative Religion
Definition and Scope of Comparative Religion31Historical Development of Comparative Religion22Methods and Approaches in Comparative Religion22Hinduism29Buddhism27Christianity24Islam29Judaism26Ritual and Symbolism25Ethics and Morality30Mysticism and Spirituality25Gender and Religion29Religion and Globalization27Religion and Conflict30Religion and the Environment30Religion and Technology29
History of Christianity
The Life and Teachings of Jesus24The Spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire22The Persecution of Christians28The Development of Christian Doctrine29The Rise of the Papacy24The Monastic Movement22The Crusades29The Black Death26The Great Schism26The Renaissance27The Protestant Reformation24The Catholic Reformation26The Wars of Religion24The Puritan Revolution26The Enlightenment28The Industrial Revolution31The Rise of Nationalism22The World Wars28The Cold War24The Rise of Pentecostalism26
Philosophy of Religion
Cosmological Argument20Teleological Argument27Ontological Argument23Problem of Evil23Argument from Hiddenness29Argument from Incoherence23Attributes of God30The Trinity24The Problem of Divine Hiddenness23Types of Religious Experience24The Evidence for Religious Experience16The Interpretation of Religious Experience18The Logical Problem of Evil26The Evidential Problem of Evil24Responses to the Problem of Evil25
Islam and Islamic Studies
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad24The Five Pillars of Islam30The Six Articles of Faith27The Nature and Revelation of the Quran24Sharia Law and its Sources26The Role of Hadith and Sunnah27The Rise and Expansion of the Islamic Empire23The Golden Age of Islam30The Decline of the Islamic Empire28Islam in the Modern World23Islamic Movements and Reform22Islam and Interfaith Dialogue23
Judaism and Jewish Studies
Origins and Beliefs25Jewish Practices and Rituals27Jewish History and Culture20The Torah and Its Significance22The Prophets and Writings29Biblical Interpretation and Hermeneutics23Medieval Jewish Philosophy25Modern Jewish Thought23Jewish Ethics and Values28Jewish Denominations and Movements22Jewish-Christian Relations26Judaism in the Modern World23
Religious Education
What is Religious Studies?29Why Study Religious Studies?31The Importance of Religious Studies30The Phenomenology of Religion23The Sociology of Religion26The Psychology of Religion29Christianity25Islam26Hinduism25The Nature of Religious Ethics27The Major Ethical Issues in Religious Studies25The Role of Religion in Ethical Decision-Making9