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Lernhelfer-Pinguin Tuki

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Number and Place Value49Counting in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 1050Ordering and comparing numbers to 100000053Addition and Subtraction57Multiplication and Division52Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, and 1000059Reading and writing numbers to 100000059Fractions87Using negative numbers in context52Decimals67Measurement106Adding and subtracting numbers to 1000000 with and without exchanging58Solving addition and subtraction problems in context58Geometry - Properties of Shapes108Using mental and written methods to add and subtract29Geometry - Position and Direction102Statistics94Estimating the answer to an addition or subtraction problem30Algebra103Multiplying and dividing numbers to 100000058Solving multiplication and division problems in context38Using mental and written methods to multiply and divide41Estimating the answer to a multiplication or division problem30Recognising and finding fractions of shapes and quantities52Comparing and ordering fractions43Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator50Multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers33Measuring length, mass, and capacity120Converting between different units of measurement70Solving problems involving measurement45Estimating and measuring time52Identifying and classifying 2D and 3D shapes58Drawing 2D and 3D shapes53Finding the area and perimeter of 2D shapes57Solving problems involving shape and space59Collecting and organising data63Interpreting data60Creating and interpreting graphs51Solving problems involving data57

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Counting in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 1050Number and Place Value49Addition and Subtraction57Ordering and comparing numbers to 100000053Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, and 1000059Multiplication and Division52Fractions87Reading and writing numbers to 100000059Decimals67Using negative numbers in context52Measurement106Adding and subtracting numbers to 1000000 with and without exchanging58Solving addition and subtraction problems in context58Geometry - Properties of Shapes108Using mental and written methods to add and subtract29Geometry - Position and Direction102Statistics94Estimating the answer to an addition or subtraction problem30Algebra103Multiplying and dividing numbers to 100000058Solving multiplication and division problems in context38Using mental and written methods to multiply and divide41Estimating the answer to a multiplication or division problem30Recognising and finding fractions of shapes and quantities52Comparing and ordering fractions43Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator50Multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers33Measuring length, mass, and capacity120Converting between different units of measurement70Solving problems involving measurement45Estimating and measuring time52Identifying and classifying 2D and 3D shapes58Drawing 2D and 3D shapes53Finding the area and perimeter of 2D shapes57Solving problems involving shape and space59Collecting and organising data63Interpreting data60Creating and interpreting graphs51Solving problems involving data57